Many thanks to Substack and its incredible community of readers for sending this newsletter into orbit—three years in a row!

Hello, my fellow Lunatics!

I’m a Boston-based author infatuated with the Moon and what it can tell us about our past, present, and future.

Arriving on the night of the full moon, THE LUNAR DISPATCH will bring you the latest news and musings about our nearest celestial neighbor. Popular posts have included the Snow Moon and the Super Sturgeon Moon.

While an actual ticket to the Moon costs around $750 million, this newsletter is 100% free. Why? Because it’s so much fun to write, and I love sharing these short reads with my amazing readers.


The wonderful editors at Substack asked me why I chose to write about that glowing orb in the sky:

I also feel lucky to be living at a time when the Moon is still the Moon, rather than a garishly lit billboard, overrun with nuclear reactors and lunar casinos, which will surely be the case in the next century. The Moon you look up at tonight is the same moon that our ancestors gazed at for hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. We are perhaps the final generation to enjoy this long-lived sight, and we should not take it for granted.

—from What To Read: Will Dowd is ruminating on the moon

About the Author

My writing has appeared in The Washington Post, NPR, and The Boston Globe; my first book, Areas of Fog, received a Massachusetts Book Award; and I hold degrees from MIT, New York University, and Boston College (though I’d eagerly trade those diplomas for a lunar timeshare).

For more information about me and my work, you can visit my website or follow me on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.


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PS. Please feel welcome to comment on each post. I really enjoy hearing your feedback!

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Arriving on the night of the full moon, this monthly newsletter brings you the latest news and musings on our nearest celestial neighbor.


Writer, artist, and freelance cartoonist for The Boston Globe.